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abalone shell, seashell, smudge bowl, sage, palo santo
abalone shell, seashell, smudge bowl, sage, palo santo
abalone shell, seashell, smudge bowl, sage, palo santo



Chakra: 2nd Sacral (Svadisthana)
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

often used in smudging rituals, not only because they are practical in that but they also catch the hot ashes or embers that fall away from the smudging stick after it has burnt, They are a beautiful thick seashell which shimmers with the gorgeous iridescent colors. A special gift of mother-of-pearl. 

Abalone healing carries energies of protection and emotional balance. It brings with it a natural shielding that blesses the person holding it with tranquility. The shell of abalone looks like a kind of shield. It's no surprise then that it has protective and healing qualities. Abalone shell is fundamentally an expression of healing Ocean energy. Using Abalone generates a feeling of peace, calming and healing energy. 

*Shape and size may vary as it's a natural item. Also, please allow some imperfection like uneven edges.

 Wood stand not included 


  • You may wish to use a layer of sand inside the abalone shell to protect the natural shine that it has, from any smoke or embers. 1. Using a match, light your herbs or Palo Santo smudging sticks. 2. Rest the sticks or herbs in the abalone shell, using it to collect any ashes or embers as the sticks or herbs burn. 3. To bless a person or object, use a feather to brush the smoke around them. 4. You may wish to walk around a space with the sticks or herbs, allowing the smoke to waft into the corners and ceilings. 5.Abalone shells have holes in them, so ensure any hot embers don’t fall through onto flammable materials such as carpet or bed linens. 6. If the smudging sticks have been resting in the abalone shell for awhile, the shell may get hot, so use caution when handling it.

    1. Never leave smudge bundle unattended, use fireproof receptacle (abalone shell) and extinguish completely after use. 

    abalone shell, seashell, smudge bowl, sage, palo santo
    abalone shell, seashell, smudge bowl, sage, palo santo
    abalone shell, seashell, smudge bowl, sage, palo santo